
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Rain

For some people the rain is beautiful.

For some people the rain is repulsive.

But for everyone there are memories they had in the rain.

Mine, was sort of like a movie.

I was in love with him... Well, I thought I was.

It was summer. There's that summer breeze, that summer rain.

He came in front of my house, and begged for me to come out.

He held me closely in an embrace I'll never forget.

We talked for a while then I had to go back to my reality.

The pain was ripping me away, but he pulled me in.

As the glitter and shattered glass poured on our face, we had love's first kiss.

I went inside and ran upstairs to watch him go.

I never saw him again.

He left to Maryland.

I remember how I cried all summer.

I can't forget how hard the rain was falling.

So whenever it rains, like it did today, I think of you, of us, and of that kiss.

I miss you so much.

-Kathy C.

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